
TranslationsincontextoffurtherinformationinEnglish-ChinesefromReversoContext:forfurtherinformation,furtherinformationabout, ...,Attemptstogetfurtherinformationbyquestioningthecaptivesranintoablankwall.審訊俘虜以獲得更多情報的試圖未能取得任何進展。,ForfurtherinformationdefinitioninEnglish.,Further,IwouldliketobereassuredbyMrsCHANtodaythatsuchabodywouldhaveaccesstoalltheinformationwhichitneeded[...

Translation of "further information" in Chinese

Translations in context of further information in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: for further information, further information about, ...

further information在線翻譯

Attempts to get further information by questioning the captives ran into a blank wall. 審訊俘虜以獲得更多情報的試圖未能取得任何進展。

For further information meaning in English

For further information definition in English.

I would like further information - 英中

Further, I would like to be reassured by Mrs CHAN today that such a body would have access to all the information which it needed [...].

"further information" 和"more information" 的差別在哪裡?

2019年11月7日 — They mean the same thing-- completely interchangeable. However further sounds more formal than more. 查看翻譯.

Examples of 'FURTHER INFORMATION' in a sentence

FURTHER INFORMATION sentences | Collins English Sentences.

further information

further information - WordReference.com 英汉词典.

further information (【Phrase】) Meaning, Usage, and ...

further information Example Sentences. Let me know if you need any further information.

with further information - 英中

大量翻译例句关于with further information – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

FURTHER INFORMATION definition and meaning

Tests on other animals have yielded further information about animal behaviour that is difficult or impossible to see. Times, Sunday Times (2006).







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